The New Intuitive Sense

0. Title.

Intuition: Integrating on Time

Four Dimensional Consciousness

by José Becerra

[2018.04.27; rev.2018.05.01]

Original material copyrighted by José Becerra (
Other sources are referenced.


 1. Prologue

The (Agnostic) Trinity of Being and Becoming is comprised of

  • Life
    • Consciousness (Mind)
    • Space (Form)

This book is about a different approach to the self, the not-self and causality.  So far, the self has relied on the physical senses and the mind, the common sense, to discern truth. However, is there a way to ascertain truth by a new synthetic sense? The intuitive sense may provide to the common sense of the mind the integrating function that the mind has provided to the five physical senses.  This book explores this approach in the search for causal certainty.

2. Categories of knowledge

[TWM] Knowledge might be divided into three categories:

  • First, there is theoretical knowledge. . This includes all knowledge of which man is aware but which is accepted by him on the statements of other people, and by the specialists in the various branches of knowledge.
  • Then, secondly, we have discriminative knowledge, which has in it a selective quality and which posits the intelligent appreciation and practical application of the more specifically scientific method, and the utilisation of test, the elimination of that which cannot be proved, and the isolation of those factors which will bear investigation and are in conformity with what is understood as law.
  • The third branch of knowledge is the intuitive. The intuition is in reality only the appreciation by the mind of some factor in creation, some law of manifestation and some aspect of truth, known by the soul, emanating from the world of ideas, and being of the nature of those energies which produce all that is known and seen.


 3. Mathematics of spiritual discernment

A RATIONAL approximation to the intuitive sense (Bayes reasoning).

The greatest practical usefulness of the Bayesian approach and the conventional scientific method is reserved for agnostic observers. For an agnostic observer, the precedent belief in a proposition is defined by a 50:50 chance. According to the Bayes’ Theorem, if such an Observer is faced with scientific evidence that favors one of two choices by a 99:1 margin, then the agnostic individual is entitled to believe in the proposition with a 99% chance of being correct ([1:1] x [99:1] = [99:1]). Further scientific evidence may always adjust, or even reverse, such decision though.

As we grow in the experience of Truth, Goodness and Beauty, we learn to scientifically and spiritually discern the better from the worse in events and circumstances. We grow in humility as each new “conviction” opens unplowed fields of uncertainty. We also learn that the better of today may be the worse of tomorrow. We may thus grow in tolerance and compassion towards those who hold today our beliefs of yesterday, as we also grow in recognition of those who know today what we may believe tomorrow. And so on, until we truly know.

[excerpts from José Becerra’s The Psychocentric RevelationAppendix C]



4. A formula of initiation [DINA]

  • There is that which transmutes knowledge into wisdom within a flash of time [JB: omniscience].
  • There is that which changes sensitivity [JB: five senses] into love [JB: right (spatial) relations] within an area of space [JB: omnipresence].
  • There is that which alters sacrifice [JB: of the Soul] into bliss [JB: of the Monad] where neither time nor space exists [JB: omnipotence].


  • “I am,” says the human unit and regards himself as the self, and identifies himself with the changing form. Time and space are for him the true realities.
  • “I am That,” says the aspirant and seeks to know himself as he truly is, a living word, part of a cosmic phrase. For him space no longer exists; he knows himself as omnipresent.
  • “I am That I am,” says the freed soul, the liberated man, the Christ. Neither time nor space exist for him, and omniscience and omnipresence are his distinctive qualities.



5.  Omnipresence and Omniscience


Rational mindProbabilistic causal inference (causes preceding effects; Bayesian reasoning; counterfactual assessments)Binary (and/or) logic (self/not-self); probability space; higher dimensional space (5-D, 6-D)?
Brain knowledgePast, FutureHeight, Width, Depth

The distinction between the past, present and future
is only a stubbornly persistent illusion. -Albert Einstein

Three primary and two secondary senses:Infinite Space
in the Eternal Now 
TouchInstinctual Telepathy
Sight  Clairvoyance
-Taste (derived from touch) Mental Telepathy
-Smell (derived from touch)Intuitive Telepathy

Telepathy: meaningful coincidence, or simultaneous alignment, of two or more conscious points within the quantum space-time grid (instead of “transmission” or “action at a distance”); omnipresence is the medium of telepathy.

Space-time grid (ether): the primary reality (a being), of which matter is a secondary manifestation, and which powers physical reality. –The Lightness of Being by Frank Wilczek


6. Testing the maturity of the intuitive sense

Tests of maturity of the ascertaining (discerning,  non-gullible, IMPERSONAL) intuitive sense

  • Abstract (symbolic) versus (concrete) factual power of observation
  • Rational rules of causal inference (time) versus Jungian synchronicity (meaningful coincidences)
  • Power of prevision



7. Ouspensky’s (Kantian) model of space-time

Two interpretations of A is both A and Not-A (as in, light is both a particle and not a particle):

  • spatial perspective (apparent distortion)
  • negative  time (matter and anti-matter; positron + electron = light)


[Ouspensky’s Tertium Organum]





8. Subject and object in space-time


It from bit symbolises the idea that every item of the physical world has at bottom — at a very deep bottom, in most instances — an immaterial source and explanation; that what we call reality arises in the last analysis from the posing of yes-no questions and the registering of equipment-evoked responses; in short, that all things physical are information-theoretic in origin and this is a participatory universe.Wheeler

Information is that which upon transmission decreases uncertainty (Shannon’s Information Theory).

Meaning is a primary quality of a thing which, once recognized and revealed, increases our understanding of its essential purpose.

  • What is it? Analyze its material constituents [Physics]
  • How does it work? Understand its function [Physiology]
  • Why does it exist? Recognize and reveal its essential purpose in the divine order [Metaphysics]

How do we ascertain meaning and thus VALIDATE the intuitive sense ? Three orthogonal axes of the certainty:

  • Ray I: is it synthetic (deduced from fundamentals)?
  • Ray II: is it inclusive (universal)?
  • Ray III: is it analogical (fractally scalable)?

How do we perceive and conceive the essential quality (law, soul) of a thing?

  • Listen (freedom to obey, by resonance)
  • Touch (freedom to experiment)
  • See (freedom to understand from multiple perspectives)

[wiki] Equating it with the Tao, Pirsig postulates that Quality is the fundamental force in the universe stimulating everything from atoms to animals to evolve and incorporate ever greater levels of Quality. According to the MoQ (Metaphysics of Quality), everything (including ideas, and matter) is a product and a result of Quality.

If [the] quality [of the soul] is a fundamental force in the universe, then life must be its fundamental energy.  Three-dimensional space, as well as time, are temporary subjective constructs to interact with the forces and energies of the universe.

We perceive [the appearance of] things in the space-time matrix. However, we conceive ideas outside of space and time. How can we also cognize (“to know”) the meaning (quality, soul) of things outside of space and time?

This transcendental cognition Patanjali called CONTEMPLATIVE KNOWLEDGE (of the Eternal Now), an integral part of AGNI YOGA (Practice of the Presence).

[ROC 27] The word to “know” (in relation to the initiate-consciousness of the Christ and of still lesser initiates) concerns the certainty of the knowledge the initiate has gained through experiment, experience and expression.


Space is a non-dimensional matrix of the undifferentiated energy of life.

Consciousness, as it evolves, creates dimensions in space for self-referential purposes.

Consciousness of a dimensional space perceives the next dimension as time, that is, as motion in space.  For instance, our rational consciousness is confined to 3 dimensions (width, height, depth), perceiving time as motion, instead of a 4th dimension of space.



Four dimensional cube

(A 3-D PROJECTION of 4-D rotation upon itself)



From a 3-D perspective, the spatial dimension of time (breadth) is conceived by a developed intuitive sense ascertaining the MEANING and PURPOSE of higher dimensional forms (SYMBOLS), as consciousness unfolds through experiment, experience and expression.

To KNOW is to experience and express LOVE, the ultimate purpose of being and becoming.  We truly know by resonance, subject and object vibrating as one, as the harmonics of the musical space. Then we can know as we are known, with the certainty of the lover who sacrifices all in the altar of becoming ONE.

Franklin Merrell-Wolff’s Three Fundamentals (Consciousness Without an Object)

  1. Consciousness is original, self-existent, and constitutive of all things.
  2. The subject to consciousness transcends the object of consciousness.
  3. There are three fundamental organs, faculties, or functions, of cognition:
    -conception, and
    introception (knowledge through identity, a knowing by being identical with that which is known).



9. Transcendental approach to causation

The transcendental scientist, as a participant observer, is no longer estranged from “objects” in the act of cognition. The act of cognition becomes the identification with the object’s essential nature in the scientist’s consciousness. It is a new and distinct awareness of a sense of simultaneous relationship between object, subject and the Whole which contains them. It is a timeless apprehension of the causal world.As a parallel to the Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle, the transcendental scientific method postulates the Soul’s Certainty Principle: the uncertainty (U) of causal knowledge decreases (in a mathematical scale from 1 to infinity) as the scientist’s scope (S) and depth of consciousness increases (in a mathematical scale from 0 to 1).

U * S = 1

The resulting constant in this reciprocal relationship is the Soul’s constant, the One (1). As the speed of LIGHT is a constant that has withstood the recent revolution in space-time concepts in physics, the Soul’s constant is a symbol of that transcendent UNITY substanding whatever ephemeral impressions occupy the scientist’s attention.

According to this fundamental equation of cognition it is only when S is maximized at unity (S=1 or “at-ONE-ment”) that the transcendental scientist can wholeheartedly identify with the Soul’s certainty of causal knowledge (U=1 or uncertainty minimized at unity). Conversely, unity or atonement of the part with the communal Whole is attained through minimizing uncertainty, such as controlling subjective bias. The transcendental scientist must become rightly integrated into the LIFE of the Whole to experience the certainty of the Soul and thus hold an enlightened judgment about the causal world.

Pythagoreans called the harmony of the parts with the Whole, and of the parts among themselves, the “Music of the Spheres.” The transcendental scientist aspires to become an earnest student of the Song of LIFE, particularly of the human life in its societal, planetary and cosmic dimensions. Music, the art and science of harmonic proportions, is seen as a most aesthetic expression of the science of right relations, and a key to transcendental causation.

It is from an expanded state of consciousness that we may re-cognize the necessary simplicity of facts to penetrate true causation. The search for certainty, and thus, for true causal associations, is intricately related to our ability to love in the most scientific sense of the word: to understand the meaning of essential relations among parts within some organic, multidimensional Whole so that we, “being rooted and grounded in love, may be able to comprehend what is breadth, and length, and depth, and height.” The resulting synthesis, the Pythagorean Music of the Spheres, does not reduce the Real or causal world to the limitations of our mechanisms of perception, but, by expanding into ever more inclusive and multidimensional frames of reference, we are able to identify with, and thus know the Real… “And then shall we know even as also we are known.”

Thus we progress from the world of meaning, through the world of causes, to the world of being.

[excerpts from José Becerra’s The Psychocentric Revelation,
Appendix A
A New Scientific Method for a New Human Consciousness:
Participant Observers, Predictable Causes and Uncertain Effects]


10. The intuitive sense of time as an INTEGRAL

(mathematical operation of integration)

[wiki] In physics, motion is a change in position of an object over time. Motion is described in terms of displacement, distance, velocity, acceleration, time, and speed. Motion of a body, observed by attaching a frame of reference to an observer and measuring the change in position of the body relative to that frame, is ruled by three simple (Newton’s) Laws of Motion (classical mechanics).

The simplest and most fundamental description of motion is displacement of an object over time, which is defined as speed (a scalar quantity) or velocity (a vector).  Thus, the simple equation v=d/t provides a direct conversion between cumulative time and an amount of space (displacement, distance). However, to account for the infinitesimal nature of space-time, we need to resort to the mathematical tools of calculus.

[wiki] In mathematics, an integral assigns numbers to functions in a way that can describe displacement, area, volume, and other concepts that arise by combining infinitesimal data.

When we graph the change in velocity in space-time, the DERIVATIVE (slope) measures the instantaneous velocity at time t, and the INTEGRAL measures the displacement of the object in a given time frame. Thus, the integral of velocity (with respect to time) is the displacement corresponding to the graphical area (2-D) drawn by the velocity function of time (1-D) in a given time frame.

[TWM] The speed of the force used is dependent upon these three previous factors.  Speed in this sense has no essential relation to time, though it is hard to find another word to use in the place of speed.  It relates to the world of effects as they emanate from the world of causes.  It has, perhaps, essentially a relation to truth, for the truer an impulse is and the clearer the understanding of the subjective purpose, so will the right direction and the impact of the force, follow automatically.  Perhaps speed would be more correctly translated by the words “correct direction”, for where there is correct direction, true orientation, exact understanding of purpose and recognition of the type of force required, then there is an instantaneous effect.  When the soul has registered the desired quality and possesses the strength of the Timeless One and the persistence of the One Who is from the beginning, the process of force expression and the relation [581] between cause and effect is spontaneous and simultaneous, and not sequential.  This can scarcely be understood by those who have not yet the consciousness of the eternal Now.  But this spontaneous and simultaneous effect is the clue to the entire magical work and in these four words—type, quality, strength and speed—the story of the work of a White Magician is told.

The addition of a spatial dimension in the mathematical operation of integrating motion with respect to time (i.e., integrating on time), may be generalized, supporting Ouspensky’s contention that time is an additional dimension of space, perceived as motion from the frame of reference of a lower dimension.

Therefore,  TIME may be visualized as:

  • the (1-D) “absement” (see Appendix B) of a (0-D) point,
  • the (2-D) area of a (1-D) curve, and
  • the (3-D) volume of a (2-D) surface.

Furthermore, we might dare to conjecture that TIME could also be visualized as:

  • the 4-D rotation of a 3-D volume,
  • the 5-D spiraling motion of a 4-D shape, and
  • the 6-D moving STILLNESS (standing wave of expansion and contraction) of a 5-D shape)

Finally, TIME could “collapse” as:

  • that which alters [the] sacrifice [JB: of the Soul] into [the] bliss [JB: of the Monad or Spirit] where neither time nor space exists (return to the SOURCE [0-D] at INFINITY).


When death comes and whispers to me,
“Thy days are ended,”
let me say to him,
“I have lived in love and not in mere time.”
He will ask, “Will thy songs remain?”
I shall say, “I know not, but this I know,
that often when I sang I found my eternity.” -Tagore


11. On randomness and causality

What is a truly random event?

[wiki] In probability theory, two events are independent, statistically independent, or stochastically independent[1] if the occurrence of one does not affect the probability of occurrence of the other. Similarly, two random variables are independent if the realization of one does not affect the probability distribution of the other.

Randomness is a (3-D) rational concept. The “statistical independence” of events is only possible when time is perceived as a discrete succession of states of (brain) consciousness.

The developed intuitive sense can ascertain higher dimensional patterns which appear as random events to a 3-D (brain) consciousness.

Time, as motion, may be perceived as a sequence of random events or conceived as an integrated pattern of ordered parts of a whole. An instance of the latter would be the 4-D representation of static 3-D geometrical forms, such as the hypercube.  An instance of the former (i.e., randomness) would be the displacement of 4-D objects in higher dimensional space.



12. The study and interpretation of symbols

[GWP] There are many ways in which the intuition can be drawn into activity, and one of the most useful and potent is the study and interpretation of symbols.

Stages in the analysis of a symbol:

  1. Its exoteric consideration: line, form and colour.
  2. A comprehension in the astral or emotional body of[11]its quality, the reaction of a sensitive response to the impact of its qualitative nature.
  3. A conceptual consideration of its underlying idea, of what it is intended to teach, of the intellectual meaning it is intended to convey.
  4. The stage of the synthetic grasp of the purpose of a symbol, of its place in an ordered manifesting plan, of its true unified intent.
  5. Identification with the quality and purpose of the symbol as it is illuminated by the mind “held steady in the light.” This final stage brings into activity the brain as well as the mind.

 Three stages:

  1. First, the investigation of a symbol, and the consequent progress of the analyst from one progressive stage of awareness to another, to a gradual inclusion of the entire field covered by the symbol.
  2. Secondly, an intuitive perception of the symbols to be seen everywhere in the divine manifestation.
  3. Third, the use of symbols on the physical plane, and their right adaptation to a seen and recognised purpose, leading to the subsequent magnetisation of the symbol with the needed quality through which the idea can make its presence felt, in order that the intuited qualified idea may find proper form on the physical plane.

Deal, therefore, with the symbols in a wide generalisation (exoteric, conceptual and esoteric) but add to that an analysis of your sensitivity and response to the quality of the symbol.

If aspirants will do three things:

  1. Develop the power to visualise [JB: five Platonic solids],
  2. Train the mind to intuit reality,
  3. Rightly interpret that which is seen,

they can provide a demonstrating laboratory for the trained Observers of the world.

Practicum on symbols:

  • tesseract: evolution of consciousness from within (revolving inside out)
  • contour integral glyph
    •  raised serpent (kundalini); half of a swirling swastika; elongated S (Greek Sigma [∑]) stands for Summation (integration).
    • circle stands for uroboros  (a serpent or dragon eating its own tail); contour integration (complex plane) corresponding to the mean force which acts on a particle during motion.
    • singularity; death (degeneration) of a normal state; a limiting case in which a class of object changes its nature so as to belong to another, usually simpler, class (e.g., a “point” of light). For example, the point is a degenerate case of the circle as the radius approaches 0, and the circle is a degenerate form of an ellipse as the eccentricity approaches 0.



The intuition is the synthetic sense of spiritual reading [filling in the meaning and purpose of all experience].

  • I AM THAT which transmutes knowledge [linear MOTION, instantaneous change]  into WISDOM [general patterns, time cycles] within a flash of TIME.
  • I AM THAT which transforms sensitivity [E-MOTION, the Science of the Emotions] into LOVE within an area [surface] of SPACE.
  • I AM THAT which transfigures sacrifice into BLISS where neither time nor space exists. [MOTIONLESSNESS of Being resurrected from its crucifixion in time and matter].

Love [in Space] is the [hidden] relativistic correction/adjustment factor operating in the causal Laws of Motion [Becoming] as we live and move and have our being within the ring-pass-not of this Universe [of Light and Love].

[Timeless] Wisdom is the Light framing our evolving consciousness (the light within the Light) as we move from the unreal to the Real, from darkness to Light and from death to Immortality.

I am THAT I am: the Way [of the Real], the [Light of the] Truth and the [immortal] Life of Being.

As Above, So Below
As Within, So Without
As Foreseen, So Is Now


[JB: on INTEGRATING (past and future into the present) TIME]

  1. Relax and focus yourself in the soul [JB:  I am the Thinker. I think, therefore I am.].
  2. Then sound the O.M., “making sound from within,” breathing it out worldwide as you inaudibly realize its meaning: “The will of God moves the world.” [JB: the sounding Will implementing the listened Purpose][PL-TSI 138: “An intention is the pattern or design latent within a purpose that, when focused, becomes a plan of action. Directed purpose becomes focused intention.”]

    [JB: Directed purpose  -> Will activity -> Plan of action]

  3. Then ponder upon the significance of time as an expression of the will, realising that this expression is a thought—instantaneous and effective—in the mind of the planetary Logos. Think out carefully some of the implications of this last statement.
  4. Then say slowly and thoughtfully:The past has gone. I am that past. It makes me what I am.
    The future comes. I also am the coming destiny and, therefore, I am that.
    The present flows from out the past. The future colours that which is.
    I make the future also by my present knowledge of the past and the beauty of the present.
    And, therefore, I am that I am.
  5. Sound the O.M. softly three times.



Book back cover

This book employs a mathematical metaphor for the psychological integration of our personal lives with respect to time.

Illusion is a function of time and its first derivative is the illusion of separateness. Therefore, according to the fundamental theorem of mathematical calculus, illusion can be integrated with respect to time. We call this anti-derivative, the intuition, a time integral.

The intuitive sense may provide to the common sense of the mind what the integrating function of the mind has provided to the five physical senses. The intuition may thus provide a degree of freedom from our three-dimensional brain consciousness in order to become oneself in the four dimensions of space-time, an integration on time.

Appendix A

 The seven-fold dimensions of space

Seven possible sets of three fundamentals:
A, B, C, ABC, AB, BC, AC


Appendix B

When a particle moves, its motion can be described by the integrals of displacement (e.g., absement, absity), as well as the derivatives of displacement (e.g., velocity, acceleration).

The process of meaningfully integrating kinematic quantities with respect to time ends with the integral of velocity. Kinematics starts with x(t) and the other quantities, such as v(t)=dx/dt and a(t)=dv/dt, are defined as its derivatives. Because of this, an explicit function for x(t) is considered the fundamental solution to the Equations of Motion.

When we graph the change in velocity in space-time, the DERIVATIVE (slope) measures the instantaneous velocity at time t,

and the INTEGRAL measures the displacement of the object in a given time frame.


What is a geometric explanation of complex integration in plain English?

A good intuition could be to think of an integral as some kind of “mean value” instead of a volume: The value 10f(x)dx∫01f(x)dx is the “mean value of the function ff over the interval [0,1][0,1]“. (Resorting to area again: For non-negative ff the area under the graph of ff is equal to the rectangle with width 1 and height 10f(x)dx∫01f(x)dx.)

In a vague way, something similar holds for a complex line integral: The integral is “the mean value of ff along the curve γγ, however, taking the infinitesimal directions of γγ into account”.

Another way to view complex integrals is as integral of real 2-dimensional vector field (given by the complex valued function ff) along paths in 2 dimensions (given by γγ). The intuition is basically the same as “mean values” but here you could additionally think of “mean velocities” or “mean directions”. Physically, the vector field describes a force, acting on a particle and the path describes the movement of the particle. The integral corresponds to the “mean force which acted on the particle during motion”.