The Prince of Peace is Coming

Good morning, afternoon, evening.

Introductory words of gratitude.

Title slide: The Prince of Peace is Coming … The Light of the World (the mind that is in Christ) with the Sword of the Spirit.

From the subtitle you may guess that I will be approaching the subject from a First/Fifth Ray perspective, within a Second Ray framework, of course, wherein HARMLESSNESS rules. It is a harmless sword, and like a good surgeon, with GOOD intention.

Slide 2: Read highlighted text (emphasize difference between the sword of the spirit and the sword of material war] 

Slide 3: Read text

But first,

Slide 4: I begin to prepare my talks for the next USR conference as soon as the previous one ends, and, inspired by MDR’s words, this was the keynote that I used as I drafted the present throughout the 2023-2024 year: [read text in slide]

So, to answer his question, “Who am I” (a collective “I”, a “We”, not “Me”), I started by acting “as if” I had an R4 mind (which MDR told me that I was transitioning to, if not already getting there) and drafted this poem, wordsmithing it throughout the year, based on the keynotes of the 12 signs of the zodiac.

Slide 5:  read slide (slowly and ceremoniously)

Highlighted is the palindromic sequence relationship between the numbers 5 and 8, eight being the numerology keynote of this year 2024, the number of the Christ consciousness. Please note how a 5 becomes an 8 by just adding “bridging lines,” a lower and a higher, maybe a symbolic reminder of the construction of a Fifth Ray antahkarana.

So, let’s begin with the main talk which will be divided in 3 parts.

Part 1

Slide 6: Part 1: read highlighted text in slide

Slide 7: The Crises of the Christ (read slide)

Slide 8: I will slowly and systematically walk through this very busy table

Slide 9: This quote shows why I chose to start the 3-year cycles in the previous table in 1906

Slide 10: This table of corresponding triplicities may help to understand the meaning of the 3-year cycle of the NGWS. I always attempt to visualize space fractally, the unit within replicating the organic whole; and time as a fourth dimension of space, with the “wheel of time” (the Kalachakra) turning on itself. Therefore, a fluid conceptualization of cycles, and cycles within cycles, as compenetrating spheres, as Duane showed us on Wednesday, is advisable. 

Walk thru table.

Slide 11: Crisis – Decision – Response is another way to describe the 3-year cycles of the NGWS. Read slide.

Slide 12: By the way, I believe that the keynote of the Wesak Festival has changed since 1981. As Master DK explains, the Christ is now able to assimilate the Will and Purpose of Shamballa directly, without the mediation of Lord Buddha.  This doesn’t mean that the Buddha does not bestow His Blessings upon the Christ and the Hierarchy, at Wesak. I believe he does. Furthermore, the Christ is now donning His Vestures and is being overshadowed by Him constantly, precipitating the Light of the Cosmic Mind. Isn’t Lord Maitreya the Future Buddha?  

And now to the Second Part of the talk

Slide 13:  The Plan for the externalization of the planetary spiritual Hierarchy and the reappearance of the World Teacher, the Christ, will be reassessed in the 2025 Conclave in Shamballa.

Some background first of these Centennial Councils.

In his book “The Externalization of the Hierarchy” (p. 106), in a section written In September 1939, Master DK tells us that in 1925 the Masters of the Wisdom met in conclave in Shamballa to recognize three “results or happenings”:

  1. First, a fresh inflow of the Christ principle of spiritual or true love which is ever free from emotionalism and selfish intent. This inflow resulted in the immediate and rapid growth of all movements towards peace, world understanding, goodwill, philanthropic effort and the awakening of the masses of men to the issues of brotherhood;
  2. Second, the stimulation of the principle of relationship and this led to the growth and the perfecting of all sources of inter-communication such as the press, the radio and travel. The inner objective of all this was to bring human beings closer together upon the outer plane of existence and thus parallel objectively the developing inner, spiritual unity; and
  3. Third, the inflow of the force of will or power from the Shamballa center, the Third Impact of Shamballa, an “experiment” which was determined in 1825, gaining momentum from 1875 through 1925.

Of course, we now know what happened thereafter: Second World War (1939-1945) of which the First World War (1914-1919) was just a prelude.

Slide 14: I need to emphasize that the Christ consciousness is a force, an evolutionary force, creating a living bridge, or planetary antahkarana, from the human to the spiritual kingdoms in nature. It is the force behind the magical work of the Soul. Remember the physics formula: Work equals Force times distance (F=W*d). We invoke the energy of the Christ consciousness to evoke its force expressed as work, the magical work of the Soul. This is an important concept when we address the Threefold Hierarchical Project later.  

Slide 15: On this slide, I summarize and tabulate the results of the 1925 Conclave, as well as propose related themes to consider for the 2025 Conclave.

The Aquarian Laws and Principles preparing the world for the new order and for the jurisdiction of the Christ seem to me an intuitively logical way to relate the three outcomes of the 1925 with the 2025 Conclave.

A fresh inflow of the Christ principle would enhance the Law of Right Human Relations and the Principle of Goodwill; the stimulation of the principle of relationship would strengthen the Law of Group Endeavour and the Principle of Unanimity; and the 2025 Impact of Shamballa would empower the Law of Spiritual Approach and the Principle of Essential Divinity.  

This threefold set of Laws and Principles would nicely dovetail with the threefold work of the Christ as the Point within the Triangle, the Dispenser of the Waters of Life, and the Nourisher of the Little Ones. Of course, the problems of humanity could be aligned with these Laws and Principles in the fields of i) Government and International Relations, ii) Capital and Labor, and iii) Religion, Education and Psychology. We could also relate the Seed Groups. Of note, the need of reform of the United Nations, so well presented by SDG Meditation Group on Thursday, would probably rank high among the topics to be addressed at the Conclave.

I don’t want to leave this slide before commenting on the third column of the first table. Along with the lines of the 1925 Centennial Conclave, a Threefold Hierarchical Project was initiated in a Second Ray Ashram led by a European Master of which the Catalonian occultist and mystic Vicente Beltran-Anglada was and is an accepted disciple. This project consists of i) first, promulgating the imminent externalization of the Kingdom of Shamballa; second, the revelation of the Deva Kingdom as a scientific fact; and third, service in conducting the magical work of the soul on a planetary scale (of which the work of Triangles may be an instance of). I have devoted most of my discipleship work since the year 2000 collaborating with this Project, integrating it with the esoteric Teachings provided in the Blue Books (Alice A. Bailey).     

And now, to the Third Part of my talk.

Slide 16: A quote: “Let the group serve as Aquarius indicates; let Mercury speed the group upon the upward Way and let Taurus bring illumination and the attainment of the vision; let the mark of the Savior, as the group toils in Pisces, be seen above the aura of the group” in profound attentiveness, serene expectancy and perfect adaptability (resilience) to the planetary crises of the times.

Most of you will recognize the source of the quote: The Twelfth Law of Group Initiation. I have added the three pillars of Agni Yoga from a Second Ray perspective, as revealed in the Second Ray Ashram of a European Master via Vicente Beltran-Anglada: profound attentiveness, serene expectancy and perfect adaptability (resilience or skill in action). We addressed this triplicity along the 3-year cycle of the NGWS (crisis, tension and emergence).

What are the planetary crises that the Hierarchy may consider in its Centennial Conclave of 2025?

Slide 17: read slide

And for those of you who may consider my approach to these problems of humanity as “partisan” or polarizing, let’s take refuge in the Teachings of the Master D.K., Who has expressed the Hierarchical perspective on at least two of these major problems, Zionism and totalitarianism, as expressions of evil on which Humanity must seal the door. He has also told us that evil is that good that must be left behind, and it is in this context that I’ve added the American problem, the MAGA movement in the United States. Let’s review the facts.

Slide 18: The Four Freedoms are an integral part of the Hierarchical Teachings. Dk tells us: “These freedoms have been voiced for us in the words of that great first ray disciple, Franklin D. Roosevelt. They are the four essential freedoms [speech, worship, want and fear].”  Please note that the Four Freedoms made it to the FDR Presidential Campaign of 1944 (while DK was still transmitting the Hierarchical Teachings to Alice Bailey).

So, I asked my AI assistant to create an index of similarity between the FDR years and the subsequent presidencies in the United States. I take AI as a sample of the current collective thoughtform of humanity.

The 2024 presidential election does stand out as a fateful decision at the point of maximum tension in the 3-year cycle of the NGWS (2023-2025).   

So, what do we do as conscious members of the NGWS, particularly those of us aligned with the political/government field of service?

Slide 19: read slide

Slide 20: What else can we do? Become peace activists! Mind you, I didn’t say pacifists, but peace activists. I propose that the Spirit of Peace is a Cosmic Peace Activist, and so, we can adapt Its Technique to our level. We are told that the Spirit of Peace is…  [read slide]

What else can we do? Of course, there are many service activities within the NGWS that we can join, and there have been many mentioned throughout this week, but one that may be common to them all is working hard to keep building our individual antahkarana as part of the planetary antahkarana. I encourage you to renew your efforts in this direction; meditate, study and serve, keeping this inner link strong and vibrant.

Slide 21: A reminder about sending love to evil instruments of hatred… read slide.

Slide 22: I will share with you how I visualize the antahkarana as an instrument for spiritual activism bringing peace on Earth. I visualize it as a toroidal vortex (and I thank Duane for helping all of us to visualize toroidal vortices), creating an *invocatory vacuum*, trapping evil forces from below, and HERMETICALLY sealing them (the door where evil dwells), so that LIGHT and LOVE and POWER breaks through from Above, restoring the Plan of Goodwill, Right Human Relations and PEACE on Earth.

Observe how a transversal cut of a toroid (and yes, my Ascendant is Taurus) makes the shape of two blades rotating around a center like a blender while the toroidal forces create the vacuum. If we turn the toroidal donut 90 degrees, we turn the lemniscate, the symbol of infinity into number 8, represented by two yin-yang circles rotating in opposite directions. Let’s contemplate this process for a while.

Slide 23: For a good reason, this field of research is called recreational mathematics: we are recreating (transmuting, transforming and transfiguring) our reality.

Imagine ourselves assisting the Christ in His task as the Point within the Triangle, as mentioned by MDR on Wednesday, in creating the vacuum necessary for the masses to hermetically seal the door where evil dwells.


Slide 24: Once we do our part in sealing that door where evil dwells, what should let in the light. Let us remember that the construction of the antahkarana includes a stage of invocation and evocation.

Slide 25: Three rents to the veils of maya have been accomplished, two major rents (Moses and the Christ) and a minor rent by Paul of Tarsus. We are told “A fourth great rent still remains to be made as a result of the energies released and the gained good which the three earlier rents have made possible.  This fourth major rent will be made by humanity itself, standing with “massed intent,” focused through the groups which are externalizations of the Ashrams of the Masters.  It will therefore be made at the time that the Hierarchy takes physical shape upon the earth again.” Didn’t Alksander and Katya remind us that we are, here and now, part of this externalization process? Didn’t Carol inspire us to accept the charge that, yes, indeed, we are prepared? If not us, who? If not now, when? If not here, where? [Alta major]

Slide 26: Do we recall how Martha recited this mantra on Thursday. I will not read it here. I just want her heartfelt rendition to reverberate in our memory as we read it now and focus on the keynote: “massed intention.”

Slide 27: Occult serenity (read slide)   

Slide 28: May I end this presentation by sharing with you my morning ritual, the very first thing I do, as I wake up every morning and stand in spiritual being.  

Slide 29: And to end with one of MDR’s favorite mantra: “For Christ’s sake and for the glory of His name!”

Thank you!  

Morning Ritual

This diagram should be placed above our head as we face South,
the Maltese Cross pointing North.

Standing in spiritual being, we begin the ritual. Locate the North Pole Star (celestial altitude in degrees = latitude of your geographical location).

  1. Facing North. Salutations in reverence to Sanat Kumara and the three Buddhas of Activity in Shamballa, planetary Head Center. Turning clockwise,
  2. Facing East. Salutations in reverence to the Vaivasvata Manu, the Christ (Lord Maitreya) and the Lord of Civilization (Master Rakoczi), the leaders of the planetary spiritual Hierarchy, the planetary Heart Center.
  3. Facing South. Recognition of Humanity as the planetary Throat Center, and the ongoing reform of the United Nations.
    Still facing South, align the North Pole Star with our pineal gland with pituitary gland while we recite, in counterpoint with the seven “words of power” for the construction of the antahkarana, this mantra (DINA II, 141):

    In the center of the will of God I stand.
    (a) Naught shall deflect my will from His.
    (b) I implement that will by love.
    (c) I turn towards the field of service.
    I, the Triangle divine (d), work out that will
    Within the square (e), and serve (f)
    my fellowmen (g),
    ” for

    a = “Assert the fact”
    b =”I see the greatest light”
    c =”Purpose itself am I”
    d = “Three minds unite”
    e = “Two merge with one”
    f = “The highest light controls”
    g = “The highest and the lowest meet”

    End this mantric counterpoint asserting:
    “For the Glory of the One!”

    Still facing South, vivifying our throat center aligned with the planetary Throat Center, recite the 1st stanza of the Great Invocation (“From the point of Light…”)
  4. Turning counterclockwise, face East. Vivifying our heart center aligned with the planetary Heart Center (Hierarchy), recite the 2nd stanza of the Great Invocation (“From the point of Love…”). Add: “I have no other life intention.”
  5. Facing North. Vivifying our head center aligned with the planetary Head Center (Shamballa), recite the 3rd stanza of the Great Invocation (“From the center where the will of God is known…”).
  6. Facing West. Vivifying our ajna center aligned with the planetary Ajna Center (New Group of World Servers), recite the 4th stanza of the Great Invocation (“From the center which we call the human kingdom…”) as we visualize the sealing of the door where evil dwells by the construction of the planetary antahkarana, enabled by its “invocatory (toroidal) vacuum,” and aided by the cosmic spiritual activism of the Spirit of Peace.
  7. Facing South. Having transformed the will and purpose into power, solemnly recite the 5th and last stanza of the Great Invocation:
    “Let LIGHT and LOVE and POWER restore the PLAN on Earth.”
  8. Standing in spiritual being at the center of the Cross, align with the Ashram we are affiliated with (if unknown, align within the periphery of the Ashram of Sanat Kumara, the planetary Hierarchy of Masters of Compassion and Wisdom) to recite the OM three times.

    PS: For those affiliated with the Ashram of the European Master in which Vicente Beltrán-Anglada is an accepted disciple authorized to disclose its Threefold Hierarchical Project, end this ritual by adding (not replacing the 5th stanza of the Great Invocation) this Aquarian Mantra of Synthesis:

    May the liberating Light of Lord Buddha
    The infinite Love of the Spirit of Peace, and
    The unfathomable Power of the Avatar of Synthesis
    restore the Plan* on Earth.

    * see slide # 15.
RI, 55



The relationship between the Sadducees and Herod Antipas was more mutually beneficial than that of the Pharisees, largely due to their shared interests in maintaining political stability and power under Roman rule. Here are some key points to understand their alignment:

1. Political and Economic Interests

  • Sadducees: The Sadducees were a priestly, aristocratic group who held significant power within the Sanhedrin (the Jewish ruling council) and the Temple. They were more politically inclined and collaborated with Roman authorities to maintain their status and wealth.
  • Herod Antipas: As a Roman-appointed tetrarch, he sought to maintain control and stability in his region, which often meant working closely with local elites, including the Sadducees1.

2. Religious Leadership vs. Political Authority

  • Religious Pragmatism: Unlike the Pharisees, who adhered strictly to Jewish law and traditions, the Sadducees were more flexible in their interpretations and more willing to compromise with Roman authorities to retain their positions.
  • Mutual Interests: Both Herod Antipas and the Sadducees had vested interests in maintaining the status quo, which included Roman rule and the existing power structures.

3. Maintaining Stability

  • Cooperation: The Sadducees’ control over the Temple and their influence within the Sanhedrin made them important allies for Herod Antipas, who needed their support to govern effectively and prevent unrest.
  • Economic Benefits: Herod’s building projects and economic policies likely benefited the Sadducees economically, providing further incentive for cooperation.

4. New Testament Context

  • Political Maneuvering: In the New Testament, the Sadducees are often depicted as collaborating with other groups, including the Herodians (supporters of Herod’s dynasty), to maintain their authority. For example, they played a role in the trial and crucifixion of Jesus, seeking to appease both Roman authorities and their own religious constituent.
  • Common Goals: Both Herod Antipas and the Sadducees aimed to suppress any movements that could destabilize their power, such as the ministry of Jesus.


The Sadducees were more closely aligned with Herod Antipas compared to the Pharisees, due to their common interest in maintaining political stability and their willingness to work within the framework of Roman rule. This pragmatic alliance helped both parties sustain their power and influence during a period of significant political and social tension.


  1. Herod Antipas
  2. New Testament accounts (e.g., Matthew 26:57-68, Mark 14:53-65)